• detail of the keyboard connector on the laptops board view

    temporary laptop fix

    My laptop keyboard broke, making the laptop unusable if it was still plugged in. This wouldn’t be a problem but the keyboard is also required to turn it on. This post is about the dirty hacks I did to make my laptop usable without keeping it open all the time.

  • image of keyboard with usb logo overlay

    shared USB switch component selection

    I originally wrote most of this post in May 2018 but never posted it because I didn’t like the components I came up with. Recently while looking into it again I found that Texas Instruments had a new IC I’d like to use so I’ll post it now.

  • Time

    35c3 junior ctf writeups part 2

    This writeup is going to be very short because once you know the flaw all you need to solve it is some time. This writeup and others can also be found in our CTF writeup repo.

  • Unknown Sci-fi city tokio background with Chaos Computer Club logo

    35c3 junior ctf writeups part 1

    It’s a new year and that means there has been another Chaos Communication Congress organized by the Chaos Computer Club.
    It is becoming a tradition for our team over at HackThisSite to take part in the junior ctf that takes place during the congress. Last year we dropped from first to second in the very last minute, this year we finished 7th.
    This is the first of two writeups I’ll make for this CTF. This writeup and others can also be found in our CTF writeup repo.

  • blade runner inspired android

    blog updates

    The blog got some more updates. I got to the point where I had enough posts that I needed pagination on the main index. And a serious bug got fixed in the image minify script making images seem much more clear.

  • phpBB code

    creating phpbb extension

    As you may know I’m an administrator of hackthissite.org (also referred to as HTS). The current ongoing project at HTS is moving the main site over to a new server. The current code base is pretty ancient and hacked together so this is also a chance to improve on that and make it easier to update in the future.

  • image of keyboard with usb logo overlay

    shared USB switch

    I have a problem, a first world problem. It is actually two problems that are solvable together. For one, my desk is too small. And secondly, the keyboard on my little tablet is pretty bad. I think to solve this I want to hook my keyboard up to a USB sharing switch so I can use my main laptop and the little tablet at the same time with a single keyboard.
    Of course I could just buy it, but then I thought it would be more interesting to make one myself.

  • end of kernel build with kali nethunter logo

    adventures in android flashing part 3

    Finishing up the required patches, we’ll start with getting DriveDroid to work for cdrom emulation and then applying some wireless patches and changing the kernel config.

  • Room filled with e-waste in an abandoned building

    adventures in android flashing part 2

    Time for the real magic, tweaking the kernel for that extra functionality. I’ll try doing it in stages with just small tweaks and test them out. First up are the HID patches for keyboard and mouse.